Storyteller APK MOD

Storyteller APK MOD Free Download

About Storyteller APK MOD 

Storyteller APK MOD, A book of enchanted stories is blank in front of you. Only the best storytellers will be able to fill it with stories of romance, magic, and adventure. You can assemble each interactive comic by selecting from a variety of animated characters and settings that will react to your choices in real time. What happened next? This award-winning game lets you drag and drop characters from fairy tales onto the page in order to create surprising stories. A blank book of enchanted stories is in front of you. Only the best storytellers will be able to fill it with stories of romance, magic, and adventure. Create each interactive comic by selecting from a variety of animated characters and settings that respond in real time to your choices. You must complete each genre in order to win the Storyteller’s Crown!
Storyteller APK MOD
Storyteller APK MOD

Key Feature

 Build stories for a variety of fantasy characters, including kings and queens, werewolves, and witches.

 Switch characters and locations to create classic stories: fighting monsters, solving puzzles, and…multiple abductions.

The book will help you to find new ways to tell stories.

Unlock hidden achievements and hidden endings

Completing the book will make you the best storyteller on the planet!

Created by Daniel Benmergui, Annapurna Interactive.

What’s new in the latest version 1.1.12?

Last updated Sep 27, 2023

Minor bug fixes. Check it out by installing or updating to the latest version!

More Game Information

Latest version  1.1.12

Require Android  Android 8.0+

Storyteller APK MOD
Storyteller APK MOD



1-Is the storyteller app free?
You can use Storyteller for free and still receive the Daily Encouragement messages.

2-Can you earn money as a Storyteller?

Freelance authors can earn a lot of money by telling stories – if they choose the right projects and clients.
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