ZOZ Final Hour APK

ZOZ Final Hour APK MOD Free Download

About ZOZ Final Hour APK MOD

ZOZ Final Hour APK MOD is a third-person shooter with a twist.ZOZ: Final Hour, a Third-Person Shooter Game for your extreme shooting pleasure.Zombie City, San Yager. A group of mercenaries, including you, infiltrates the City. They are there to collect Blood Crystal – a mysterious substance that carries the hope for the salvation of the human race – from hordes and hordes of zombies. Only if you have enough Blood Crystals can you escape. You may not only be facing zombies but other threats as well.

ZOZ Final Hour APK
ZOZ Final Hour APK

Key Feature

Gear up and move out

Use your skills and perks to upgrade your weaponry and fight your way through the game!

You will be transported into the battlefield, which is composed of several random blocks, resulting in a new mission every time!

Peace or Rogue

After killing your fellow Mercs, you can either kill Zombies to extract Blood Crystals or take BCs. You can choose the style you want to play, but remember that the only thing you need to do is get the Blood Crystals to escape the city.

Human or Zombie

San Yager is a place where death can be a fresh start. After being defeated, you could revive as Zombie Merc. Your mind is consumed by a thirst for blood. You can hunt down Human Mercs as a zombie. It’s now time to kill.

Team-Player vs. Lone Wolf

Duo Mode allows you to fight with a partner or solo.

In the zombie city, you can expect thrills and glory. Join us now!

Email: [email protected]

Official website: https://www.gamezoz.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZOZFinalHour

Discord: https://discord.gg/EncGWSEWbs

Please note that ZOZ: Final Hour only supports Android versions 5.0 and higher.

What’s new in Version 50?

Last updated on February 3, 2023

Minor bug fixes. Check it out by installing or updating to the latest version!

More Game Information

Latest Version  Request ZOZ: Final Hour Update 50

Android requires Android 5.0+

ZOZ Final Hour APK
ZOZ Final Hour APK

FAQs about ZOZ Final hour APK MOD

1. What is ZOZ Final Hour all about?

This is a game that will test your skills as a shooter. You can form powerful teams, or you can go it alone.

2. What country is ZOZ Final Hour from?

Players can seek revenge on those who have betrayed their trust with the Zombie Mercs. This game has been a great success in Brazil, and Indonesia. It’s now time to move on to the next stage of development.

3. What are the requirements for ZOZ Final Hour?

Please make sure that your device is equipped with at least 8GB of space and 2GB of RAM. Make sure your device has 8GB space free and 2GB of RAM.
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